Cooperative and Amicable Divorces


Dr. Katherine Best a former Family Mediator  and Member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals Brings a Wealth of Knowledge to Help you Divorce with Dignity 

The Amicable Divorce process provides a Divorce with Dignity:

  • Divorce Coach
  • Mental Health Neutral
  • Conflict Resolution Skills You Can Use Going Forward
  • Develop Healthy Communication Skills

Why choose a Divorce Coach?

Because I can provide emotional and strategic support during the settlement process. You will not only have an experienced family mediator, but an experienced divorce coach during the tough decision making process and times of great stress.

  • Enhance communication with your attorney and other professionals.
  • Strive for an amicable settlement; by learning how to attack the problems and not each other.
  • I view the client as the entire family.
How will you benefit?
  • Having peace of mind that your settlement is cost effective without the drama and expense of litigation.
  • Understanding what you might be agreeing to in advance, so that decisions are easier to make.
  • Hearing an objective viewpoint in an emotional situation.
  • Reducing stress, time, and expense.

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